Martial Arts

Built By Martial Arts Logo
July 18, 2021

Better School Grades for Children at Built By Martial Arts

Better School Grades for Children at Built By Martial Arts By Built By Martial Arts in Evans, GA It is a general…

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Self Regard Poster
June 27, 2021

Self-Esteem for Kids & Adults at Built By Martial Arts

Self-Esteem for Kids & Adults at Built By Martial Arts By Built By Martial Arts in Evans, GA Self-esteem is a psychological…

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Safety First Flyer
June 13, 2021

Child Safety is More Than “Stranger Danger”

Child Safety is More Than “Stranger Danger” By Built By Martial Arts in Evans, GA      Today children need to be…

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Family Atmosphere Flyer
May 30, 2021

Martial Arts Classes Act as a Healthy Social Activity for Your Family

Built By Martial Arts Classes Act as a Healthy Social Activity for Your Family By Built By Martial Arts in Evans, GA…

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December 14, 2020

Izzy Green is a real-life Marvel Hero…

Our Very Own “High Kickin’ Izzy” is a Marvel Hero Project Member!! See Her Show on Disney+, Episode 12 of Marvel’s Hero…

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February 2, 2015

The Value of Developing Social Skills in Young Children

As adults, it is easy to forget how we developed our social skills and how well we got along with others to…

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Teaching Young Children the Importance of Respect

It goes without saying that respect is one of the most fundamental traits required to be successful both professionally and personally. Schools…

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Why it Is Important to Teach Manners at the Youngest of Ages

We have all heard and said simple phrases like “thank you” or “please” hundreds of times in our lives. Parents ensure that…

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Life Skills that Prepare a Child for Being in School

The earliest years of a child’s upbringing can be the most important in many ways. Professionals who teach pre-school are always keeping…

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Karate Can Help Build a Kid’s Self-Esteem

Karate is an ancient martial arts style that was developed in the Ryukyu Islands in Japan. It grew into one of the…

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